Top five things to do in Ireland 15 - 21 March
Tag: St Patrick’s Day
All the 2018 St Patrick's Day Parades
No matter where in the country you are you won’t be far from a parade or celebration. We have over 180 St Patrick's Day parades from Ardara in Donegal, to Youghal in Cork listed on They will vary in scale and substance, but one thing they will all...
Limerick Festival of Kindness
Be kind Live kindly Share kindness Pay it Forward is a wonderful concept. When someone does a good dead for you, instead of paying them back, why not pay it forward by doing a good deed for someone else. The Pay it Forward Group in Limerick certainly live...
Keeping the Transformation Going – Find a 5K Run
Operation transformation is drawing to a close and people all over the country are counting their losses – in pounds and kilograms. And many who never put on a pair of runners before are now confidently walking, running or jogging. The challenge now will be to keep motivated. And what...
St Patrick's Day Parades – Accessibility Information
La Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh! Our national day of celebration is nearly here. Some St Patrick's Day parades have special measures in place to ensure that their events are as inclusive as possible. So let’s make a day of it….. Dublin St Patrick's Day Parade Ireland You Are… is the...