Guidelines for making your event accessible for people who are deaf

Making your event accessible for those who are deaf or who are hard of hearing will allow you access the widest possible audience and enable more people to fully enjoy your event Some of the information below has been kindly provided by the Irish Deaf Society.  You can find more...

Sensory Friendly Events -Guidelines for Event Organisers

  For people with autism, or 1 in 100 of every community, participation in events can pose a huge array of challenges and may, at times, be more a source of stress than  enjoyment. They are busy, socially intensive environments, which often we go to out of routine, and these ...

Accessible Events : How to make your event accessible to blind or visually impaired poeple

Making your event accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired will ensure it is suitable for the widest possible audience and allows everyone to enjoy your event comfortably and safely.   Please ensure that when you list your event on this Site you enter all the relevant information...

Visually Impaired – Guidelines for Making Your Event Accessible

Making your event accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired will ensure it is suitable for the widest possible audience and allows everyone to enjoy your event comfortably and safely.   Please ensure that when you list your event on this Site you enter all the relevant information...