Waterfords sprOg – A Children's Festival


Waterfords sprOg – A Children's Festival

The eternal quest to entertain children over the summer holidays is about to be solved for those lucky enough to be in the South East from July 31st- August 6th. Throughout the week before, and during, the Waterford Spraoi festival,  sprÓg will yet again see a jam packed programme of events specifically designed for kids. 

sprÓg – The Children’s Festival

Expect science, theatre, film, dance, music, art, design, coding and all-around great fun.  Most noteworthy, two-thirds of the festival’s events are free of charge.  However, pre-booking is essential for most, so get your skates on……
So here’s our pick of the events to watch out for….

Bubbly STEAM – Garter Lane Arts Centre


Bubbly STEAM

You may be familiar with the term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Well this STEM event is guaranteed to make learning fun.  Aimed at children 7 years and over, this will be an amazing hour of sonic booms, square bubbles, bouncing bubbles, self inflating balloons, balloon vehicles, and much more! Award winning balloon artist and Guinness World Record holder, Bubblz (aka Caroline Ainslie) will have your children mesmerised!

The Real Science of the Circus – Garter Lane Arts Centre


The Real Science of Circus

This promises to be a show like nothing you have ever seen before.  James Soper, aka The Juggling Scientist, another Guinness World Record Holder, will be holding court. Expect spectacular juggling and balancing tricks. Then lots of volunteers will be called in from the audience. Again, this is an event aimed at those 7 and over. Your children will have so much fun, they won’t even notice they are learning about physics…


The Locksmith’s Song – Garter Lane Arts Centre


The Locksmith’s Song

A lovely introduction to the joys of theatre, The Locksmith’s Song will delight a young audience. A grumpy locksmith gets a present.  And so begins a magical journey.  With song and dance and shadow puppets a wonderful transformation takes place.

Playful Paper Puppetry


Playful Paper Puppetry

Creative kids will be enthralled by this wonderful workshop that teaches children how to make their own puppets.  Eoin Lynch, one of Ireland’s most experienced performers for young audiences will be on hand to channel their imaginations.  With works of art complete, the experience is rounded off with a puppet show.  Hopefully their new skills should keep them entertained until September!
Of course this is only a snippet of the great activities on offer.  See the full programme here.  No exclamations of ‘I’m Bored’ should be heard in County Waterford for a while!!
sprOg is presented by Garter Lane Arts Centre.  Sanofi Waterford, Waterford City Council and the Arts Council are sponsoring the events, with support from CALMAST, Waterford Institute of Technology’s award winning STEM Outreach Centre and The Science Foundation.  
Families can book events by visiting www.garterlane.ie.  Alternatively you can call Garter Lane Arts Centre Box Office: 051 855038.
Finally, all information is correct at time of publishing.  Always check with event organiser before you travel. Don’t forget to sign up to InspireMe.ie for lots more ideas to keep you children entertained over the Summer Months