Have you ever gone skinny-dipping in the Atlantic Ocean*? Now’s your chance to strip off, take a dip and show cancer who’s boss. For the ninth year in a row Hand in Hand’s Dip in the Nip takes place at a secret location on a beach in Galway. This...
Month: March 2018
Inclusive Easter Events – Plan a Special Needs Friendly Easter Egg Hunt
Plan your own Special Needs Friendly Easter Egg Hunt If you are organising an Easter Egg Hunt this year, be it a large community based event or for your own children in the back garden, here are some tips to make an egg hunt sensory friendly and inclusive so...
Easter in Dublin
There’s lots of fantastic events happening all over Ireland this Easter weekend. And we have lots of them listed on www.inspireme.ie. But if you are spending Easter in Dublin, here’s our top 5 events for you to check out: The Good Run 2018 - Fri 30th March ...
Easter Egg Hunts 2018
Have an Egg’ceptional Easter - Easter Egg Hunts for 2018 With the recent cold spells and snowdrifts, Easter seems to have come around very quickly this year. But as you dash around looking for Crème eggs and hot cross buns, we have the entertainment sorted. All over the country...
10 Road Races to see out March.
This winter seems to have gone on forever. Between the Beast from the East and the Son of the Beast we are well and truly over the snow for another year. If anyone else is ready to come out of hibernation, here’s 10 road races happening between now and...
All the 2018 St Patrick's Day Parades
No matter where in the country you are you won’t be far from a parade or celebration. We have over 180 St Patrick's Day parades from Ardara in Donegal, to Youghal in Cork listed on InspireMe.ie. They will vary in scale and substance, but one thing they will all...
St Patrick’s Day Parades Accessibility Information 2018
La Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh! We are getting ready to celebrate. The following St Patrick’s Day parades have special measures in place to ensure that their events are as inclusive as possible. Here’s what you need to know about… Dublin The theme for this years Dublin parade is...
Limerick Festival of Kindness
Be kind Live kindly Share kindness Pay it Forward is a wonderful concept. When someone does a good dead for you, instead of paying them back, why not pay it forward by doing a good deed for someone else. The Pay it Forward Group in Limerick certainly live...
International Women’s Day Events
International Women's Day takes place on March 8th. We want to celebrate the wonderful women who stand up for injustice. Those who fly the flag for equality. We want to remember acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of...
Things to Do for Mother's Day
Lots of different ideas for Mother’s Day This year, Sunday March 11th is Mother’s Day. Instead of a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers we have some novel ideas to impress the mammy in your life. We have picked a few of our favourite events below. But...